Healthy sunlight wherever and whenever you need it
Patented and scientifically proven technology
Patented and scientifically proven technology
50% of outdoor light consists of near-infrared light. This invisible part of the solar spectrum is healthy for us. However, people spend 90% of their waking hours indoors 1 deprived of near-infrared light as even our window glazing blocks it.2 This is where SunLED can make a difference: we bring healthy near-infrared light indoors, with real scientific proven results!
SunLED technology can improve your physical health, enhance mental well-being, and boost your immune system. Each benefits have been scientifically proven with evidence, such as lower resting heart rate, less drowsiness, higher energy and lower internal inflammation for better immune system.3
“Over 75% of consumers say it is important to get a daily dose of sunlight, but 50% of them recognize that they fail to do so”
“Consumers across the globe mostly associate 'being healthy' with mental wellbeing. How people define health in 2022: Mental wellbeing (65%), Having a healthy immune system (62%), Getting enough sleep (59%), Feeling 'good' (58%), Emotional wellbeing (56%)”
“Better health, possibly the most traditional type related to wellness, ranges beyond medicine and supplements to comprise consumer medical devices together with personal-health trackers are the factors driving the segment growth."
"3 out of 4 employees are expecting their employer to support their health and well-being"
“From wearable fitness bands that monitor the user’s heart rate, to earbuds that do double duty as hearing aids, and mindfulness smartphone apps designed to reduce stress, the digital disruption of healthcare and wellness has continued to march forward.”
“Retailers and brands realize the huge potential in the health and wellness sector. The global pandemic has only strengthened this case. Living through and coming out of the pandemic, customers would not only want a safe shopping environment but also products/services/communication aligned with safe and healthy living.”
"Every $1 spent on employee wellness saved employers $2.73 in employee absenteeism costs"
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